Contribucions de l'usuari ZéroBot
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A user with 0 edits. Compte creat el 25 juny 2011.
9 oct 2012
- 18:5118:51, 9 oct 2012 dif. hist. +25 m And did those feet in ancient time r2.7.1) (Robot afegeix: fi:Jerusalem (virsi)
20 des 2011
- 22:4922:49, 20 des 2011 dif. hist. +21 m Fum, Fum, Fum r2.7.1) (Robot afegeix: eu:Fum, Fum, Fum
13 set 2011
- 02:3402:34, 13 set 2011 dif. hist. +42 m And did those feet in ancient time r2.7.1) (Robot afegeix: eu:And did those feet in ancient time