Vés al contingut

Usuari:Anskar/proves/Fum, fum, fum

De Viquitexts

\version "2.14.2"
\header {
  tagline = ""
pagA = \relative a' {
\key a \minor
\time 2/4
a8. gis16 a8 c 
b8 a gis e \break
a8 r gis4 
a4. r8
a8. gis16 a8 c \break
b8 a gis e
a8 r gis4 
a4 r8 g!16 g \break
\repeat unfold 3{c8 c b b} \break
c4. b16 c
d8. c16 b8. a16
gis8 e a gis \break
a8 c b a
\bar "||" \time 3/4 gis8 e a8 r gis4 |
  \layout {
    indent = 15
    line-width = 110
    \context {
   %   \remove "Bar_number_engraver" 

Unable to compile LilyPond input file:

line 2 - column 3:
not a note name: subst
line 2 - column 9:
not a note name: pàgina
line 2 - column 16:
not a note name: Usuari
line 2 - column 23:
not a note name: Anskar
line 2 - column 29:
syntax error, unexpected '/'
line 2 - column 30:
not a note name: proves
line 2 - column 37:
not a note name: Fum
line 2 - column 42:
not a note name: fum
line 2 - column 47:
not a note name: fum
line 2 - column 51:
not a note name: sections
line 2 - column 59:
syntax error, unexpected '='
line 2 - column 67:
string outside of text script or \lyricmode
line 2 - column 1:
errors found, ignoring music expression